How to Lose 10 Pounds

7 Steps to Help You Slim Down in Less Time

Do you want to slim down? If you need to lose a relatively small amount of weight, say five or ten pounds, your weight loss strategy will be different than a strategy designed for more significant weight loss. Use these steps, tailored specifically for a ten-pound weight loss, to set up your plan. Then, get to work, stick to your program and get ready to enjoy a slimmer, sleeker new you.

1. Set a Short Term Goal

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Get out a piece of paper and take a few minutes to write out why those ten pounds matter. Are you getting ready for a beach vacation? Do you want to look great at your next holiday party? Are you hoping to turn heads at your high school reunion? Be specific. Then create mini goals and rewards for each week on your weight loss journey. Post your goal and your reward schedule in a place where you see it every day.

 Count Calories

Get the word out. Let everyone know that your goal is to lose 10 pounds. Use your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors to help keep you on track. Enlist as many people as possible. Consider using social media, like the Weight Loss Facebook page and other creative sources for support, tips and healthy daily reminders.

3Get Support     From Family and Friends


Find out how many calories you need to lose weight. Then use a tracking device such as to track and monitor your caloric intake. A notepad also works well if you prefer the old school approach. Write everything down and be absolutely sure that you areaccurately measuring serving size. You might be surprised by the number of calories you actually consume when you add up the meals, snacks and drinks that you enjoy each day.

4. Eat More Lean Protein

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Protein is your friend if you are on a diet. But, make sure your protein source is low in fat. Bacon, sausage, and other high calorie meats probably won’t get you closer to your goal. But lean chicken, turkey and seafood (without sauce!) will.

5. Exercise Every Day

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Yes, you read that right, every day. But each session doesn't have to be a killer workout. Create a program that includes high intensity exerciseas well as recovery days and longer moderate workouts. If you can find the time, do two-a-day exercise sessions, but not if it causes you to eat more (a common weight loss workout mistake).

6. Increase Non-exercise Activity

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It’s not just your gym time that counts towards the bottom line on the scale. If you want to lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds, non-exercise physical activity has a big impact on the number of calories you burn every day. Boost your metabolism with easy activities all day long.

7. Stay Rested

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Allow yourself to recharge at the end of the day. Your weight loss journey will be a relatively short one, but you are going to have to work hard and manage significant lifestyle changes if you want to reach your goal. Listen to your body and give yourself the sleep that you need.

By , Guide